Tribe Life Mission: Bringing our community together to offer life giving tools to Inspire, Empower, and Equip you to life with more passion and purpose.
Join us while we enjoy a night of Yin Yoga by the Lake, during a majestic sunset. What could be more restorative, relaxing and healing than bringing women together to watch a sunset and do yoga!
This is one of many events we have planned to collaborate with passion filled women that are experts in their area and have life giving tools to share with our Tribe.
It’s been hard to navigate through the division since our world experienced this past March. Trying to finding our balance as we stay physically distance from our friends and family to keep each other safe and healthy. I don’t know about you, but I have found myself very disoriented in this way of living. Not only struggling to not feel awkward when we go out in public with the debate of masks or no masks … but the lack of social interaction when we do see others. We don’t make eye contact anymore, or smile. There seems to be an atmosphere of judgment, fear, anxiety, and loneliness because of social distancing for the past 4 months.
I was once told that horses if they don’t have a companion or purpose they go mad. Do you feel like you’re going mad?
We want to take advantage of the nice weather and bring everyone together in a way that is safe and comfortable. I’m really excited about the women that have agreed to help make these events life giving by sharing their unique gifts and talents. I’m excited to see smiling faces again, learn new things, and love on people.
Join the Tribe to Rise your Vibe at our Tribe Life Pop-Ups! We can’t wait to see each and every one of you!